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hayesnelson on Juni 27, 2017
I'd like to be able to use a hubspot workflow to enroll (and trigger) a contact into a sequence in the CRM. I'd like to execute a sequence we've built in our HubSpot CRM when a contact property changes. eg; when contact property is set to 'X' Beitrag ansehen
262 Antworten
Juni 04, 2020
Any updates on this? has been 3 years now
Teun on Februar 11, 2020
By default, it seems impossible to use functionality like 'Blog content' modules and 'Smart content' in custom modules. Since the release of the 'Local development beta' we have a lot more possibilities to create innovative and dynamic websites. Usi Beitrag ansehen
April 10, 2020
Hi, Great news! Maybe page level is not the best solution here... If appling smart content on custom modules is too difficult, I would suggest ap...Beitrag ansehen
CoachAaronCCR on Juli 11, 2017
Would love the ability from within at least the Sales side of things to automatically map/populate Deal Properties from a Contact's properties. We came over from Salesforce where this could be done in conversion, and this is definitely an area we mi Beitrag ansehen
März 24, 2020
We really need this asap. We can't use Hubspot any longer if this is not available... It's so much work to keep everything in sync because the lack o...Beitrag ansehen
jochenvp on März 18, 2020
The ad reporting and analytics gives an nice overview of how the ads are performing, but we miss a stage to measure conversion rate here. It shows: Impressions - Clicks - Contacts - Deals (won) There should be a step (preferrably customizable) Beitrag ansehen
5 Antworten
März 18, 2020
That's already something yes, thanks! To elaborate on the previous. The reason why I would like to have it on the top "funnel" is that we can se ...Beitrag ansehen
jochenvp on März 18, 2020
The ad reporting and analytics gives an nice overview of how the ads are performing, but we miss a stage to measure conversion rate here. It shows: Impressions - Clicks - Contacts - Deals (won) There should be a step (preferrably customizable) Beitrag ansehen
5 Antworten
März 18, 2020
That's already something yes, thanks! To elaborate on the previous. The reason why I would like to have it on the top "funnel" is that we can se ...Beitrag ansehen
The_Dude on Juni 26, 2018
What is the timeline for multilingual knowledge bases? We have a multilingual SaaS platform that can be quite complex that requires a robust multilingual knowledge base.
69 Antworten
Februar 12, 2020
Any ETA on this?
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