
Member since ‎Jun 4, 2019
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KinWa on July 10, 2018
Hi, Does anyone have any experience with showing the sales dashboard reports on a TV? Currently I am showing the reports via Chrome Cast, but I can only show 2 graphs at the same time without scrolling down. The ideal scenario would be able read more
1 upvote
5 Replies
December 02, 2019
@briansweat There is another option if you are not 100% sold on Revolver. Rekener (I work there) would also be able to help you display more
ChrisTaylor on November 19, 2019
Hi. I have created three numeric custom fields with my Deals pipeline. I would like to Total by at least one of those (would be ecstatic if all three) instead of "Amount". Is this possible? Thanks as always.
November 19, 2019
@ChrisTaylor I agree with the previous comments, you won't be able to do this calculation inside of Hubspot. If this is a large pain more
MikeIvory on October 03, 2019
Has anyone found a way to report on the number of calls attempted before the first call is connected? There is data out there that the average number of call attempts before connect is ___ but I'd like to see what that data is for my team. Thanks read more
0 upvote
9 Replies
October 11, 2019
@MikeIvory Looks like you were able to find suitable workaround for your reporting needs. If you do decide down the road you need more more
bwillems on October 07, 2019
Hi HS community, Can you give me advise? We have an EMEA region and US region. What would you advise; creating a new sales pipeline for US next to the one we have for EMEA; creating a 'region' deal property so we can filter in the p read more
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3 Replies
October 07, 2019
@bwillems Since both pipelines have the same sales stages I would recommend creating a region deal property. It will make it easier to roll more
NigelOC on September 04, 2019
Hi Guys, Wondering if you can help me correctly set updeal reporting that is efficient formy company's purposes. Specifically when reporting on a deal I wish to know not just the value of the deal but the amount of units that client has. read more
September 04, 2019
@NigelOC Here is the best help article for adding a custom property. more
NigelOC on September 04, 2019
Hi Guys, Wondering if you can help me correctly set updeal reporting that is efficient formy company's purposes. Specifically when reporting on a deal I wish to know not just the value of the deal but the amount of units that client has. read more
September 04, 2019
@NigelOC Here is the best help article for adding a custom property. more
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