
Participant | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎May 29, 2019
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Nathan Paris

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aaron-leadhub on March 28, 2023
Hey Team, In considering moving our payment processing away from QBO and into HubSpot there is one major impediment standing in the way. Since the payment gateway is one HubSpot account with Stripe the tenant (or HubSpot client) doesn't have a read more
3 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
July 26, 2024
Yes, this is a MUST for anyone running Subscriptions. It is VERY standard with most platforms, including Stripe which is the backend of HubSpot, more
AJLaPorte_diagr on January 29, 2019
There are many times when a datetime field can be beneficial for use in the contact properties. There are currently a few fields (HubSpot defaults) that contain this data but you cannot create a custom property for this kind of data through the edit read more
91 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
March 31, 2021
We are also constantly coming across needs for these to be created in custom properties. We would ALSO want to be able to set these with "Now" in more
nathanparis on May 29, 2019
Right now you only have the abilty to create tasks in workflows. Other MA platforms allow you to merge fields and save into a note during autmation which is extremly handy for team members when viewing hisotry of activity. For example someone f read more
109 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
June 21, 2019
Yes, all those are great use cases! We need a way to "log" some type of history or action for a contact record.
nathanparis on May 29, 2019
Right now you only have the abilty to create tasks in workflows. Other MA platforms allow you to merge fields and save into a note during autmation which is extremly handy for team members when viewing hisotry of activity. For example someone f read more
109 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
June 21, 2019
Yes, all those are great use cases! We need a way to "log" some type of history or action for a contact record.
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