
Member since ‎May 28, 2019
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Stacey Fehr

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StaceyFehr on October 29, 2024
We have workflows in place to send auto emails to those who complete form submissions and to the internal sales team to notify of form submissions. These are narrowed by custom fields such as interest area. For example-a prospect interested in real read more
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laurabrown on May 09, 2019
I think it would be extremely helpful and beneficial to increase the maximum limit of scoring property filters, or to have no limit at all. Our sales team and new business development team members are trying to track which of our clients and prospec read more
36 Replies
August 08, 2023
This is a major limitation for us. We have a long buying cycle with a large number of touchpoints and need quite a bit more capacity. Right now it more
StaceyFehr on May 04, 2022
It would be great to have the ability to include the web page as a hidden field on forms. This info is currently showing in the contact record so it seems like it should be an easy one to populate on the form hidden field.
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StaceyFehr on April 05, 2022
We greatly appreciate all of the service provided by the HubSpot sales team. However, it sometimes seems over complicated to have so many points of contact depending on needs. In the course of a few months we may have the same conversation with an A read more
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StaceyFehr on April 05, 2022
Would like the ability to filter form submissions from an external web page by individual pages. This is currently available for HubSpot landing pages but not pages on our WordPress site where we embed the HubSpot forms. Our only option is to clone read more
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EmiNoda on September 11, 2020
Hi, I have a question about Files in HubSpot. There are SO many files Unused on any pages and I'm going to archive them eventually. But it takes too long to figure out which file is used or not. (Currently I click each file and see the detail but i read more
43 Replies
October 25, 2021
Definitely would be very helpful to have the option to sort images by unused and remove those from HubSpot in bulk instead of individually. This more
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