
Mitglied seit ‎Mai 28, 2019
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Marie Schmidt

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bronte on Januar 08, 2021
It would be really helpful if you could bulk edit the settings of workflows. For example, I need to edit that all workflows don't reenroll contacts after they merge, but I have to do this in every single old workflow. My workaround was to turn Beitrag ansehen
13 Antworten
Juli 19, 2023
Additionally, can we set a workflow to turn off automatically on a date when setting it up initially? Or even go back into a workflow and set it to t...Beitrag ansehen
MJSchmidt81786 on August 20, 2020
I was thinking of a way to essentially have 2 submit buttons on a form. So we have a 2 part form that needs to be filled out post a session we are hosting: an evaluation form and an affirmation form. In some cases, our attendees will need t Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
MJSchmidt81786 on Mai 28, 2019
I have a questions related to RSVPs and Yes/No responses. How do I setup an RSVP so that someone can respond "Yes" and fill out a form (if necessary) and go into an Active List but if something changes where they need to respond "No" they then Beitrag ansehen
Mai 28, 2019
@Josh - could I just accomplish this with a form and not use CTAs? So in the form would it be a drop down? How would this be accomplished with...Beitrag ansehen
MJSchmidt81786 on Mai 28, 2019
I have a questions related to RSVPs and Yes/No responses. How do I setup an RSVP so that someone can respond "Yes" and fill out a form (if necessary) and go into an Active List but if something changes where they need to respond "No" they then Beitrag ansehen
Mai 28, 2019
@Josh - could I just accomplish this with a form and not use CTAs? So in the form would it be a drop down? How would this be accomplished with...Beitrag ansehen
MJSchmidt81786 on Mai 28, 2019
I have a questions related to RSVPs and Yes/No responses. How do I setup an RSVP so that someone can respond "Yes" and fill out a form (if necessary) and go into an Active List but if something changes where they need to respond "No" they then Beitrag ansehen
Mai 28, 2019
@Josh - could I just accomplish this with a form and not use CTAs? So in the form would it be a drop down? How would this be accomplished with...Beitrag ansehen
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