
Miembro desde ‎may 24, 2019
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David Doyle

Passionate about marketing and sales.


Himation en Julio 01, 2019
It should be possible to bulk edit the associated company property for multiple contacts. At the moment, you need to change this one-by-one, which is unnecessarily tedious.
237 Me gusta
56 Respuestas
Junio 07, 2019
Specifically, enable a feature that automatically creates a contact property to hold a form's submission time stamp whenever that form is created. Th...Leer más
Himation en Junio 07, 2019
I have 100 forms and I want to organize lists of contacts based on the date when they last submitted each form. Currently, I need to create a workflow that assigns the form submission date to a custom contact property...and then I need to repeat tha Leer más
54 Me gusta
11 Respuestas
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