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Adam Hawes

I've been working with successful startups in the digital space for the past 10 years. My role (as founder, partner, member of leadership teams) has always focused on customer-centric commercial performance of the business and subsequently sustainable growth. I have successfully led key customer, commercial relationships in each business. I have built, managed and scaled customer success, sales and commercial teams in nearly all of these businesses.


AFreemerman on April 25, 2022
HI, The revenue analytics need to have a couple of features to be able to do the significant job of calculating NRR. 1. customized so we can have a beginning of balance and end of balance. 2. be able to separate churn and downgrade instead o Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
Februar 03, 2023
Completely agree. There are also some fundamental problems/limitations too. Some of these lead to the MRR being inaccurate. 1. When you have a r...Beitrag ansehen
Cococool on Januar 21, 2020
Hello, The % Tax system works fine, we understood how to link Hubspot et Stripe for recurring payments quotes. However on a recurring quote, the VAT line gets lost because it is not comprised in the "Recurring sub-total", hence bad bad issues wh Beitrag ansehen
21 Antworten
Januar 31, 2023
Completely agree! This is super poor. Kind of unacceptable. I reported this to support and they told me to upvote this article - mental! Thi...Beitrag ansehen
karaujo on April 05, 2022
The Fix formatting issues is a great tool, but it is currently only availbe to Super Admin roles. Hmmm... So, our account has 2 Super Admins and their job titles are Vice President of Marketing and Director of Information Technology . Neither Beitrag ansehen
September 05, 2022
Could not agree with you more. We have a CRM Admin, who does some of this cleanup for us. However I do not want to give them super admin permissions ...Beitrag ansehen
SacredTaste on April 29, 2021
We would like our Reps to be able to create an invoice on-the-spot while in stores. They are able to use their phones for everything else, so it doesn't make sense for them to have to take their laptops to be able to access this feature through the Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
August 25, 2022
I completely agree. Essentially we would like to see the features you have for Quickbooks Online for the Xero integration: ansehen
adamhawes on November 18, 2020
I love the Linkedin sales navigator integration with HS. But any Linkedin sales navigator message really needs to copy into HS CRM activity. Linkedin now supports this for several CRMs. Hubspot needs to join the party! Hope to get an update on t Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
August 25, 2022
As a result of this we want to be able to easily track and report on Linkedin activity for our sales team - just like we do for all core sales activi...Beitrag ansehen
PavelTrojanek on Februar 01, 2022
With the LinkedIn Sales Navigator Integration, I need to be able to track sent messages in HubSpot, so the conversation is saved to the contacts timeline. Thanks a million in advance.
August 25, 2022
This is an absolute must. A key sales activity to track and report in Hubspot.
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