
Member since ‎May 20, 2019
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Nicolas Martin

PRM & Automation Specialist, ma mission est d'assurer et améliorer le cycle de vie des leads de leur entrée en base à leur sortie. Mais aussi de définir et mettre en œuvre la stratégie de Lead Nurturing


Nico_Martin on September 18, 2024
Hello, Would it be possible to ensure that when we put text in bold in the content editor it is in tags <strong>? Currently the rich text editor applies an which places bold text in a span tag with style = bold. For SEO purpo read more
Nico_Martin on December 21, 2023
Hello, It would be great to have the ability to place a Contextual Call to Action (CTA) that opens in a pop-up from within a text. For example, having the option to add a "learn more" mention at the end of a paragraph that serves as a link opening a read more
Nico_Martin on January 04, 2023
Hello, Is it possible to add the ability to change the frequency of the date range for all reports in a dashboard? Indeed, by switching to the Beta of table filters, we realize that it is no longer possible to modify the frequency of all the repor read more
4 Replies
Nico_Martin on October 26, 2022
Hello team! 👋 For the different teams that use Hubspot, the gain would be considerable to be able to know the day of the week that corresponds to a date. 👍 For example, if a prospect arrives on a Sunday, we can predict different communicatio read more
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sdahmani on August 29, 2022
Dans notre article sur WhatsApp , nous analysions l’application WhatsApp Business et ses fonctionnalités. Grâce à cet outil, les entreprises peuvent partager différents types de contenus et étendre leur portée, utiliser un canal de communication a read more
3 Replies
October 07, 2022
Bonjour, Sujet très intéressant ! Selon moi, ce canal a le mérite de rentrer davantage dans la personnalisation et engager la conversation plus more
Nico_Martin on August 10, 2022
Hi, To gain efficiency, it would be great to be able to put "or" conditions in addition to "and" conditions for the same score. This solution would allow to assign the same score to 2 different properties, which would avoid having 2 properties with read more
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