
Member since ‎May 19, 2019
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Joseph De Luca

My Name is Joseph De Luca, Born & raised in Albany New York, Now living in Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada since August of 2000. When I first moved to Vegas I came with my business of which was construction from the man whom taught me the trade {my grand father to which I am named after} I also brought my skill sets of all things technology. I am also a jack of all trades and never have one egg in my basket.. Those that ask what I do my answer is always YES, and those that know me well know I am about support and give back when I can and find ways of doing such. In all that I learned and going back to the promise I made to both my grandmother and grand father that I will do all I can to making them proud of me and do my very best from the moral and values they taught me. In the ending of my bio,, I created what I call "The Paying it Forward System" -- I came to an Idea , I placed into action, then to putting it to action and passing to all those that are ready of doing the same with there creativity .... Think of it as "Taking the Horse to the water and see what will become,, Will it drink the water? What happen if it does or doesn't drink the water. Lastly the word NO is not in my dictionary as for me that means New Opportunities or Next Opportunities ....


October 13, 2019
As of now with all things business I am the final discon maker when presenting like for say Hubspot to my office personal, and those that can use more
October 09, 2019
Sorry for the delayed message. When clicking on CONVERSATION tab then click INBOX here is what I noticed you are now able to select the box to more
josephdeluca on October 07, 2019
THe error codes keep coming Event Id: c22253b933294602b2c2e1667c51d2c3 I tried to apply filters of the inbox so that I can try to rid of my emails not sure what more to do there are over 14,000 emails that a bit much to do one at a time.
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4 Replies
July 26, 2019
nope i didnt pay anyone
July 26, 2019
I found a way to solve the issue of the emails
July 12, 2019
WOuld it be better to try a better community to figure out what is best to do with over 7000 emails and no way to bulk delete them
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