
Member since ‎May 18, 2019
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Ryan Klinghoffer

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Rklinghoffer on November 23, 2020
Please, please, please give us the option to automatically re-enroll all eligible deals in a workflow at a specificed time. (i.e. execute a given workflow and re-enroll all deals every Saturday at midnight). Having someone log in, and toggle the read more
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Rklinghoffer on September 24, 2020
Life would be so much easier if we could schedule workflows to automatically enroll / re-enroll all eligible deals at a specific time (say every Friday at 5PM). Unfortunately, we can't set a date / time as the enrollment trigger. If we want to read more
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Kaleudia on December 18, 2018
It would be good to be able to calculate days between two dates, for example "Days between a lead became MQL until it became a Client", and so with all date fields.
48 Replies
September 24, 2020
Absolutely a necessary function! The lack of ability to make apply mathematical manipulation to date fields is a major limitation. For us, the more
FelipeFelix on July 08, 2020
Hello! I would love to have the ability to create looping workflows! With this I would be able to: Create workflows to sent automated emails every X time, like: send an important email every month to my customers with no time to end since t read more
31 Replies
September 24, 2020
Yes! The ability to schedule wokflows to automatically re-execute with a specified frequency or at a specified time (hour, day of the week, month, more
ckennedy on June 02, 2017
It would be great if there was a way to clone an if/then branch within a workflow, especially with multiple "if" criteria. For example, if I'm setting up branches with the same SF campaign IDs but different interactions with an email, (bounce, open, read more
47 Replies
August 07, 2019
would love this as well..
hnajzrova on October 31, 2018
We would like to be able to calculate a new DATE variable. We NEED to add a certain number of days to the existing DATE variable to calculate the new DATE variable; however, since DATE in HubSpot is not a numeric value, we are NOT able to calculate read more
12 Replies
August 06, 2019
Agreed. This would be super helpful!
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