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Melissa Syvrais

Passionate about technology and marketing, I thrive on being a positive and forward-thinking go-getter. With a curious mind and a drive to excel, continuously seeking ways to improve efficiency and contribute valuable insights to my team's endeavors. Known for my adaptability, analytical approach, and logical thinking, I'm dedicated to pushing boundaries and fostering growth. I believe in building strong relationships through networking, collaboration, and going the extra mile to ensure my team's success. Let's connect!


Melly2022 on Oktober 30, 2024
Right now the google sheets integration is open to all users - ideally being able to control who can access the google sheets integration data on a workflow level would be ideal. Currently every user with workflow access can access all google s Beitrag ansehen
Melly2022 on Oktober 30, 2024
When a form is created with a field that has a mandatory field embeded behind logic and the field is not complete the user can still submit the form. Example: we use a "humanity check" field to control if you can populate an email address. The Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
christa on April 11, 2024
Journey reports are challenging when trying to dial in on the time it takes to complete the steps in a journey. Current Restrictions/Limitations Only one way to control the time range of the journey (sure we can do a static range or rolling time Beitrag ansehen
Oktober 11, 2024
@dmastin are there plans to enable a form of suppression in Journey reports? When we perform tests to ensure assets are operating as expected, our ...Beitrag ansehen
Melly2022 on Oktober 10, 2024
Being able to use list filters to include emails that contain "XYZ" in the name to eliminate the need to come back to a list monthly to update with our monthly newsletter. We can use marketing email filters in reports that are not available in Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
lsirac on Januar 19, 2017
When sending an email from the marketing side, we'd like to send emails from a certain address, but have an option to have replies come into another email inbox.
69 Antworten
September 19, 2024
Hi @Shay - The purpose (more often than not) of a reply to address is to filter auto replies away from the sender (usually a C-suite person). The ...Beitrag ansehen
KHassen30 on Februar 15, 2024
Is there a way to download a CSV file of all of our A/B email tests so you can determine and review trends over time? When I use the A/B filter, it doesn't look like it gives me all of the A/B emails for all of the tests...
2 Antworten
September 16, 2024
I don't believe this works anymore as there are no options to select under advanced other than delivery related information. (undelivered reason for ...Beitrag ansehen
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