
Member since ‎May 10, 2019
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SHinojosa3 on February 03, 2023
My team is trying to get a count of deals by the stage that they were created in. This doesn't seem to be possible with reporting, but the data is in HubSpot. I need to figure out how to extract that information. Ideally, it would be deals creat read more
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2 Replies
February 06, 2023
You can export the deal stage property history into a spreadsheet. The report will show you the property's current value, date change, and the more
Achagnon1 on August 07, 2020
I'm in the process of setting up calculated properties to use the new "time between" feature in reporting, and realized that, in the 'time between' calculations for properties, I'd like to have access to the option 'today,' which would be a dynamic read more
100 Replies
December 27, 2021
Yes, please add this!
slvale2 on September 30, 2021
I wish you could add sales email templates to marketing campaigns for tightly integrated sales and marketing teams. Right now, you can only add marketing emails to a campaign. We prefer the one-to-one communication of sales templates, and we try to read more
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slvale2 on September 30, 2021
I wish there was a way to score companies in HubSpot for B2B. Now manual and predictive lead scroing are only possible for contacts. There is a workaround where you could create a custom number property and a bunch of workflows that increase or decr read more
0 Reply
slvale2 on May 21, 2021
Currently, the integration only pulls in data from internal values not labels. For HubSpot default properties, like Deal Stage, internal names cannot be changes. This causes a string of numbers to show in the sheet instead of the property label name read more
10 Replies
JorieMunroe on March 30, 2021
At some point, we were all new to the HubSpot marketing platform. We all have our own unique journey to getting to where we are today. For example, before you got started with the workflows tool, how many hours did you waste on data entry? read more
7 Replies
March 30, 2021
Use HubSpot Academy to your advantage. Stay up to date on new product features. You could have built a custom workaround for something 6 months to a more
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