
Membro desde ‎mai 8, 2019
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Jonathan Price

Marketing consultant / contractor - specialising in b2b lead gen, marketing automation, content


raghavk on Março 12, 2018
Pop-up forms are not provided out-of-the-box in Hubspot as of now. I wanted to know if this can be provided as a standard feature, so you don't require extensive knowledge of HTML/CSS/JS, or have to depend on your developer team to implement it. I Leia mais
28 avaliações positivas
17 Respostas
Setembro 25, 2019
@Tom - You've changed the status to "Delivered" but clearly this is not delivered. What the original post is referring to is the ability to easily...Leia mais
fmacpherson on Junho 30, 2017
HubSpot doesn't have the ability to revert the Lifecycle Stage to Lead for Opportunities that have been Closed Lost. If a contact is associated with a Company where there has previously been an Opportunity which was lost, that contact's Lifecycle Leia mais
54 avaliações positivas
17 Respostas
Agosto 09, 2019
It is possible to do this. 1.) create a company property called "Lifecycle Rollback" - radio option with "YES" 2.) create a company workflow ...Leia mais
ernopyykko on Junho 14, 2018
We'd like to have a workflow to copy 'Became Marketing Qualified Lead' date from the contact to the associated company. As far as we've understood, that's not possible because that field being type datetime, and the properties you can create ca Leia mais
40 avaliações positivas
12 Respostas
Maio 17, 2019
Hi all - I've figured out a workaround for this. 1.) Create a new Contact level property using Date Picker field type (e.g. "BecameMQL Date") 2....Leia mais
Alisdia on Agosto 23, 2018
Hi everyone I can't find this information on the Academy - can anyone explain to me the difference between these two contact properties? We are trying to align which field to track leads and the two contact fields are spitting out different numbers. Leia mais
1 avaliações positivas
8 Respostas
Maio 17, 2019
Hi Brad - you mention being able to datestamp a custom property using a workflow.. Can you describe how this can be done? We're trying to copy th...Leia mais
ernopyykko on Junho 14, 2018
We'd like to have a workflow to copy 'Became Marketing Qualified Lead' date from the contact to the associated company. As far as we've understood, that's not possible because that field being type datetime, and the properties you can create ca Leia mais
40 avaliações positivas
12 Respostas
Maio 17, 2019
Hi all - I've figured out a workaround for this. 1.) Create a new Contact level property using Date Picker field type (e.g. "BecameMQL Date") 2....Leia mais
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