
Contributor | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎May 5, 2019
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Roselen Fernandez

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Leigh_S on April 27, 2021
We use custom contact properties to represent different stages in our sales process. It would be very helpful if funnel reports could work for custom contact properties so we can understand conversion rates during the sales process. We read more
13 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
May 28, 2024
We have multiple Business Units and each one has a custom lifecycle stage property. We would love to have an option to use these custom properties more
kristen_sb on June 07, 2018
HubSpot's Lifecycle is incredibly limited - we don't run our business against these very general and limited value. We have a custom field we have created for our own marketing lifecycle and use automation to set this field value based on diffe read more
48 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
May 28, 2024
We have multiple Business Units and each one has a custom lifecycle stage property. We would love to have an option to use these custom properties more
Roselen on May 10, 2024
XEN is looking for a Philippine-based, HubSpot Specialist to join our team. As a HubSpot Specialist, you will be intelligent, organised and keen to learn. You’ll have the opportunity to grow your role and learn new skills. Start immediat read more
Simoneponti89 on January 05, 2023
Hello, I'm trying to find a way to export the notes from a Hubspot account and import them to another account. I know It's possible to import the notes, otherwise, instead I can't find a way to export them. Can someone support me? Thanks read more
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5 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
April 01, 2024
Hi Karsten, thank you for this. Is there a way to use notes or associated notes in View filters? Eg If I only want to export contacts that have more
Spfeffer on March 22, 2018
Is there a way to export notes/tasks, etc. from Hubspot? I know you can export the column of properties, but can I also extract the notes? Thank you! Stacie
11 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
August 13, 2023
Yes, it is available on Pro or Enterprise Hubs only per this HubSpot KB:
eduar on June 21, 2023
Is Hubspot planning a feature to allow notes export? This is a basic feature that all other CRMs allow.
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3 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
August 07, 2023
As mentioned by Karsten, one of the workarounds is to create a custom report that includes the following information: Object's unique identifier more
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