
Member since ‎May 1, 2019
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Maura Sullivan

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kagillespie on February 14, 2018
While it certainly is great that we can now integrate multiple calendars in the Meeting tool, the events only appear on the default calendar. It would be great if HubSpot offered the option to choose which calendar/s the events appeared on. Fo read more
26 Replies
November 16, 2022
Is this being worked on at all? We need to be able to log certain meeting event types on certain calendars. Is this possible?
MotionGuy on November 19, 2020
Company name must be filled in by hand on every new contact. It would be nice if the Contact company name would auto update when the company url is identified under the contact when entered.
November 02, 2022
Yes - this would be very helpful!
MauraS on October 05, 2022
We have users who are not working tasks and just deleting them. We would like the ability to allow them to create & edit tasks, but NOT the ability to delete them.
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809CharlieTango on August 30, 2017
Hello, I was wondering if it would be possible to add a feature in HubSpot where HubSpot teams can be mentioned in the Notes area of a contact, company and deal record. We want to avoid mentioning several names when receiving a payment or process read more
146 Replies
September 22, 2022
Yes - need this function Team Mentions (@mention Team)
HSUser117 on July 05, 2019
We would love to be able to exclude AEs from moving deals to a few stages in Sales pipeline. In short, it will be great to have one person, such as our VP of Sales, to be the gatekeeper in deciding which deals should move to Closed Won and the stage read more
28 Replies
May 20, 2022
We really need this too! We need to set permission levels on individual deal stages now. A real bummer that this doesn't already exist.
MauraS on May 01, 2019
I installed the HubSpot Sales Tool extension/add-in in Outlook.. When you are looking at a contact in the extension/add-in, there is a link that you can click on to call the contact from your computer (please note - when I call from the HubSpot webs read more
May 04, 2019
Thanks for your response. Yes, I have the most updated version of IE. When you click "open in CRM" are you able to open the page successfully? more
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