
Member since ‎Apr 30, 2019
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Parag Jagdale

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ChristinaKay on April 27, 2022
The first-ever eCommerce HUG was amazing! Thanks to @paragjagdale for his amazing insights and work on this. If you missed the HUG, slides and videos are up ! Want to speak at the eCommerce HUG? Shoot me a direct message here!
April 28, 2022
Thank you for the opportunity @ChristinaKay ! I had fun answering the great questions we got. I am looking forward to the second eCommerce HUG!
Dadams on September 20, 2021
What's changing? Beginning on November 8th , OAuth access tokens will be generated with a shorter expiration time. Tokens currently expire 6 hours after they are generated. After this change, tokens will expire 30 minutes after being generated. read more
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September 20, 2021
Hello, How were 30 minutes chosen for the length of time for expiration? Is that some type of standard that HubSpot must follow? I can more
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