
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Apr 29, 2019
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Jeremy Hong

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JeremyHong on April 05, 2024
The current forced automation for Lead Stages seems redundent and unnecessary, and really limits the usefulness of using the Lead Object to track and manage the initial Lead qualification process. This is especially true in organizations that have a read more
ndwilliams3 on February 02, 2017
Like, contacts, deals and companies, it would be great if you could add custom user profile properties. There are times when you might want to include an owner token within an email, like a phone number, title or some other property that's outside t read more
45 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
December 14, 2023
+1 having a "HubSpot User Object" reduces the need for custom objects for roles that require tracking information unique to each user (example - more
cjl2016 on November 30, 2023
When our company first started with HS, we built individual sales pipelines for each of the 5 verticals we sold into + sales pipelines for pre- and post-sale steps to fulfill orders and ensure successful implementation, as each business line followe read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
December 12, 2023
From what I've seen it usually comes down to the business culture and reporting needs, but moreso the latter. Some might want each step more
cjl2016 on November 30, 2023
When our company first started with HS, we built individual sales pipelines for each of the 5 verticals we sold into + sales pipelines for pre- and post-sale steps to fulfill orders and ensure successful implementation, as each business line followe read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
December 12, 2023
From what I've seen it usually comes down to the business culture and reporting needs, but moreso the latter. Some might want each step more
FinallyMatt on July 02, 2020
When negotiating a deal, dropping a custom discount on-the-fly can often be what ultimately tips a lead to a customer. In turn, that discount changes the value of a deal...or at least, it should! The trouble is, right now it doesn't. Custom read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
March 20, 2023
This is still badly needed...nearly 3 years later and still not even a comment from anyone at HubSpot?
GShelia12 on November 28, 2022
Hi HS community, I've been trying to set up workflows based on Sales Document Activity - but I believe it's not possible. To give an easy example - I want to trigger a workflow once contact views a Sales Document I've sent them. I've been tryin read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
November 28, 2022
Thanks @PamCotton @GShelia12 Yeah, unfortunately this is not possible. Totally agree it's a huge miss on HubSpot's part, and it doesn't more
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