
Mitglied seit ‎Apr 26, 2019
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Balagopal G

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sfdctechies on August 23, 2019
We are trying to integrate Hubspot with Salesforce. Since there are pre-existing data in both systems, before integrating we are planning to do a one-time data upload to keep both systems with each other's data (Hubspot contact to Salesforce Lead an Beitrag ansehen
sfdctechies on August 06, 2019
For Salesforce integration, in the trial account (Sales Professional Trial) unable to find the property ' Likelihood to close' under the contact and company property list. Since its a default property in Contact, it should be visible.
sfdctechies on Juni 11, 2019
Does existing data get synced between Hubspot and Salesforce just after the integrating Hubspot in Salesforce? Does Hubspot will have the Salesforce data (which was created before the Integration) after installing the Hubspot in Salesforce?.
sfdctechies on April 30, 2019
Hi, We have criteria satisfied inclusive list, to sync the Hubspot Contact and Salesforce Lead. Also whenever a Salesforce Lead is created, it creates a corresponding Hubspot Contact (which does not satisfy the inclusive list criteria since that par Beitrag ansehen
sfdctechies on April 26, 2019
In Hubspot , under integrations-> Salesforce, there is section which shows ' Allocated To Hubspot ', if we reduce the API hits to a specific digit , will it affect the frequency of sync happening ?. for eg: for developer account (Salesforce) API Beitrag ansehen
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