
Member since ‎Apr 24, 2019
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Alex Luong

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alexluong1 on May 02, 2024
Hi, Not a developer but doing it out of necessity. I'm currently confused on how to change the type of a Deal field via API. I am specifically trying to change the type from datetime to date. I was told by HubSpot support/product teams that read more
trevordjones on May 22, 2017
In trying to reassign company records associated with deactivated users in the CRM, I found that there was no way to filter by deactivated user name. Adding this feature would make it much easier to perform administrative tasks. Perhaps this shoul read more
22 Replies
March 16, 2023
+1 Can we just have a drop down option for "Select all deactiated users" in all of the owner fields?
Trevor on August 03, 2017
Hello, this would be helpful for multiple reasons. An example of a use case would be to create a workflow to copy the parent company Hubspot owner to its child companies. Thanks!
105 Replies
August 09, 2022
Agreed with this thread! This would be a really easy win for cleaning up data around parent/child companies - especially since HS doesn't have a more
HBruce on February 22, 2022
We have created a Custom Object for Sales Tickets and use a pipeline BUT we are not able to make any properties mandatory unless its at the creation stage. We want to be able to make certain properties mandatory at certain pipeline stages. For read more
July 27, 2022
Ideally we just want to avoid following up / chasing reps down to fill out their data correctly
HBruce on February 22, 2022
We have created a Custom Object for Sales Tickets and use a pipeline BUT we are not able to make any properties mandatory unless its at the creation stage. We want to be able to make certain properties mandatory at certain pipeline stages. For read more
July 27, 2022
Ideally we just want to avoid following up / chasing reps down to fill out their data correctly
annemarien on August 26, 2020
We've conducted an internal review of properties and one of the needs was to see the values in dropdowns/checkboxes, and the only way was to manually copy out the values. Would be useful to be able to export them instead. Also do you need an ide read more
68 Replies
June 08, 2022
Upvoted, agreed. It would be great to have a button to export options as a csv. There's already options to paste in your own, and load from other more
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