
Participant | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎May 18, 2017
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Farid Saberi

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GGolf on February 15, 2023
I would really like to have the facility to a/b test blog articles - titles, images, content, links etc. I think this might have been raised before but I'm hoping this will push it up the popularity list a little more!
8 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
December 12, 2023
It will be an absolutely very useful feature. Please add it as soon as possible. Thanks and regards
Farid on September 19, 2023
Hi guys, When I want to set a display condition for a richtext field depending on if a repeater group is empy, I get an error. It seems to work on preview but the custom module can not be updated because of the error.
Farid on January 06, 2023
Adding a Google Ads Pixel in an Enterprise account will be applied for all primary (brand) domains on this account.
Farid on January 28, 2021
Hi, I am wondering if it's possible to loop a group inside the looped parent group. I get this error Please help me how can I do it Thanks in forward Kind regards Farid
Participant | Platinum Partner
February 01, 2021
Hi @piersg Thank you so much. Your codes work well (y) Best regards Farid
Farid on January 28, 2021
Hi, I am wondering if it's possible to loop a group inside the looped parent group. I get this error Please help me how can I do it Thanks in forward Kind regards Farid
Participant | Platinum Partner
February 01, 2021
Hi @piersg Thank you so much. Your codes work well (y) Best regards Farid
Farid on January 28, 2021
Hi, I am wondering if it's possible to loop a group inside the looped parent group. I get this error Please help me how can I do it Thanks in forward Kind regards Farid
Participant | Platinum Partner
February 01, 2021
Hi @piersg Thank you so much. Your codes work well (y) Best regards Farid
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