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IvanoSS on May 24, 2021
From the Report Library I can't find a report showing how much revenue could be potentially closed compared to all my deals. My target is to get a current year view, month by month, of how many deals could be finalized (independently by deal stage). read more
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3 Replies
Top Contributor | Diamond Partner
May 24, 2021
Hi, Ahh I see, without upgrading to a professional licence you're not currently able to edit reports in the builder. Because of this, I don't more
IvanoSS on May 24, 2021
From the Report Library I can't find a report showing how much revenue could be potentially closed compared to all my deals. My target is to get a current year view, month by month, of how many deals could be finalized (independently by deal stage). read more
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3 Replies
Top Contributor | Diamond Partner
May 24, 2021
Hi, Ahh I see, without upgrading to a professional licence you're not currently able to edit reports in the builder. Because of this, I don't more
Crystal_Hopper on April 16, 2021
Hi all! One of our new sales people has been sending direct mail pieces to his prospects. There was a batch of contacts who got Mail Piece #1. Then Mail Piece #2 was developed and sent to the original batch. But, also, more contacts were added read more
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8 Replies
Top Contributor | Diamond Partner
April 19, 2021
Not a problem at all 🙂 In this case, I would ensure that there is a custom contact property set-up to track when the contact recieved the more
Crystal_Hopper on April 16, 2021
Hi all! One of our new sales people has been sending direct mail pieces to his prospects. There was a batch of contacts who got Mail Piece #1. Then Mail Piece #2 was developed and sent to the original batch. But, also, more contacts were added read more
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8 Replies
Top Contributor | Diamond Partner
April 19, 2021
Not a problem at all 🙂 In this case, I would ensure that there is a custom contact property set-up to track when the contact recieved the more
ISydorenko on April 06, 2021
Hi, I see the next mistake. When I create a conversion dashboard to analyse conversions on different pipeline stages, I see irrelevant results. There is another amount of deals on different stages in my sales pipeline comparing to the number of de read more
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2 Replies
Top Contributor | Diamond Partner
April 06, 2021
Hi, I just wanted to drop in here and ask the simple question - Have you double checked the date range? - as this catches a lot of people more
arisdorf on January 18, 2021
Hello, I'm new to the sales hub and would like to migrate our pipeline and deals to Hubspot but so far I'm getting the impression that the Sales Hub is more geared towards a simple deal structure suited for products rather than services. We read more
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3 Replies
Top Contributor | Diamond Partner
January 19, 2021
Hi, I just wanted to jump on this quickly! I completly understand where you're coming from. We also use HubSpots sales hub for a B2B more
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