
Miembro desde ‎abr 13, 2019
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Cory Park

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jcpux en Julio 29, 2021
Is there no way to generate an XML file in Hubspot ? I’d like to generate RSS feeds from my HubDB tables, and it would be easy enough to output that into XML format using HubL… but I can’t figure out how to make that available as an rss.xm Leer más
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jcpux en Julio 28, 2021
Wouldn't it be jolly to be able to generate an XML file from the data in a HubDB table? My use case is that I use HubDB to power pages that have lists of similar things e.g. events, press articles, resource items, etc. and would like to surface tho Leer más
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2 Respuestas
Marzo 27, 2020
This text input should really turn into a true/false selector if the field in question is a boolean... or at least a tooltip reminder that boolean re...Leer más
jcpux en Octubre 02, 2019
As noted here: ... HubDB is available to all HubSpot customers with the CMS add-on and currently cannot be used to personalize HubSpot marketing emails. It would be nice to have this functio Leer más
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8 Respuestas
Septiembre 05, 2019
+10000 Yes please let us attach files to automated emails
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