
Member since ‎Apr 12, 2019
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Gustav Tranback

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Bob2245 on August 25, 2021
Hi, So here's a long standing frustration of mine whenever I have to create lists, lead scoring models or workflow triggers. The scenario is I need to select a reasonably large group of assets (say, forms, or emails). Right now, I only have th read more
3 Replies
September 19, 2022
Has anyone at HubSpot seen this? Once again, this would be an invaluable feature in order to work effeciently with workflows, lead scoring and more
Bob2245 on August 25, 2021
Hi, So here's a long standing frustration of mine whenever I have to create lists, lead scoring models or workflow triggers. The scenario is I need to select a reasonably large group of assets (say, forms, or emails). Right now, I only have th read more
3 Replies
September 19, 2022
Has anyone at HubSpot seen this? Once again, this would be an invaluable feature in order to work effeciently with workflows, lead scoring and more
Tranback on September 01, 2021
A feature I'm missing is the abilty to move multiple forms to a folder at once. Right now you have to move them one by one which is very time consuming.
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Tranback on September 01, 2021
I think it would be great if you could edit the subscription type for multiple forms at once. And also be absle to bulk edit the subscription type for the follow-up email(s) in the form.
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Tranback on April 28, 2021
It would be very helpful if you could use the "Send frequence cap"-function to make sure that contacts doesn't recieve to many emails a week but have it not affect form follow-up emails.
klynch09 on March 05, 2020
We have multiple brands in our portal and would like to be able to select different email footers for follow up messages setup in Forms. Currently, the tool is limited so that only a default email footer can be used, however, editing this footer fo read more
June 03, 2020
This would be extremly helpful to us aswell. We want to use different footers with different contact information depending on which country we're more
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