
Member since ‎Apr 11, 2019
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indieweb on April 18, 2022
This documentation states that the Default Record Sidebar can be customized; specifically, that the properties of the About Section can be added, removed and re-ordered and, moreover, that this functionality is available to those on paid plans (in read more
3 Replies
Moneal on March 14, 2017
Every time I look back at an email I sent a contact from either my mail host app or my browser, I get a notification saying someone opened the email. Is there a way to mute the notifications from myself but still receive notifications when the conta read more
May 07, 2020
Blocking you own IP address isn't a solution to this issue. Most ISPs issue dynamic IP addresses as I'm sure you're aware. So constantly updating more
anna_henwood on February 04, 2019
In the old activity feed for all notifications, I was able to mute specific events after one or more notification arrived. I'm not able to in the new version. For example, after Jane opened X email and I was notified, I had the option in the d read more
45 Replies
May 05, 2020
Yeah this is crazy. We have a somewhat unique situation in which we sent an email to and tracked it with HubSpot's email more
cmercet on February 27, 2018
Hi, When someone open a tracked email in a thread of answers with Gmail, I receive the number of notifications of email answers. Would it be possible to just have one notification instead of tone of pop ups? Thank you for your help dear read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
May 05, 2020
@joewithfriends yup there is currently no way / no longer a way to mute threads as per this thread .
Moneal on March 14, 2017
Every time I look back at an email I sent a contact from either my mail host app or my browser, I get a notification saying someone opened the email. Is there a way to mute the notifications from myself but still receive notifications when the conta read more
May 07, 2020
Blocking you own IP address isn't a solution to this issue. Most ISPs issue dynamic IP addresses as I'm sure you're aware. So constantly updating more
Jamie-SRN on January 24, 2017
Use Case: Company utilizes secondary domain for email while the primary domain loads their website. Example: uses for email. A secondary domain option, with the abilility to add a list of domains associated read more
64 Replies
May 15, 2019
I was just able to merge two companies without any issue. I do feel however that this is a bit of a "hack". Why can't we just manually associate more
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