
Member since ‎Apr 11, 2019
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Parvenu on August 27, 2018
I would like for each of my 1000+ contacts to be assigned a deal. I would prefer each one to have their own deal, but if they all have the same deal, that is okay. I haven't found a way to do this. Is there a way? Is there a workaround? Thanks, read more
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7 Replies
June 11, 2019
I don't think so. Maybe try the instant chat function and see if they can help!
Parvenu on August 27, 2018
I would like for each of my 1000+ contacts to be assigned a deal. I would prefer each one to have their own deal, but if they all have the same deal, that is okay. I haven't found a way to do this. Is there a way? Is there a workaround? Thanks, read more
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7 Replies
June 11, 2019
I don't think so. Maybe try the instant chat function and see if they can help!
pedrososa on September 17, 2018
Hello Community! I have a problem with the task report. I added a new task, but it is not showing in the task sheet.
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6 Replies
May 01, 2019
Hi Frank, Our task is not completed however it's not showing up on the Task List (for anyone!). Any other ideas please? Thanks!
Shapiro on March 24, 2017
Hello - Is there a way I can see all of a specific user's activity within Hubspot (emails sent, tasks set, calls logged, notes made, etc) for a specific period of time. So for example, if I wanted to see all the activity of a person over a week, read more
22 Replies
April 16, 2019
Under the Report menu there's 'Analytics' - with that I've found a dashboard called 'Sales Team Productivity' which breaks down activity by type ie more
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