
HubSpot Employee
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HubSpot Employee
Juli 14, 2023
I do think this will be useful if team signature can be used in object records emails too
liangsj on Mai 10, 2023
Hi Team Submitting on behalf of customers, At the moment, while we can have saved sections within emails but it's difficult to organise them if there's a lot of them and having some form of organization will help to fasten the process Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
liangsj on März 01, 2023
Hi Team, Submitting this on behalf of the customer At the moment, to identify the contacts with multiple email addresses within HubSpot but the only way at the moment is to make an export to identify these contacts but the user has a da Beitrag ansehen
liangsj on März 01, 2023
Hi Team, Submitting on behalf of customer The customer would like to see a feature for bulk deletion of emails for contact with multiple emails Currently, the user will need to go into the contact record and delete one email at a Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
Februar 27, 2023
Submitting on behalf of customer, The customer would like to see this feature be brought back to attention and review.
liangsj on Februar 26, 2023
Hi Team, Submitting on behalf of customer At the moment, the email dashboard (individual report per page) export in PDF is set to a maximum number of 20 rows but it will be great if we can provide up to 100 rows of these reports. At Beitrag ansehen
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