
Miembro desde ‎may 17, 2017
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Annie Morisco

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Noviembre 21, 2024
Definitely we should be able to import all sort of sales & service activities could be with a type of activity like call, regular mail, chat, mai...Leer más
Agosto 22, 2024
+1 to all the above, there is a clear need to block unwanted email or not related to support emails. It is a regression for HS as it was possible in...Leer más
Junio 17, 2019
I agree. We are in a B2B business and people move to different companies and we definitely need to keep history in the CRM not lose the contact hist...Leer más
Enero 10, 2019
good to have that feature 'in planning'
Abril 10, 2018
It is a necessary function to be able to monitor, follow-up and have effective meeting with sales rep team, it is definitely a core function for sale...Leer más
Marzo 22, 2018
- I have 12 000 products so as it is this product functionality can't be use as the quote has to be done elsewhere - how will sales use the opportuni...Leer más
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