
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Apr 9, 2019
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Joao Dobbin

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JDobbin on October 23, 2020
Hello! We've been running on HubSpot for the past 6 years and have grew from a single currency/country company to a multi national one, with employees and customers in more than 5 countries. And at the same time that this is awesome, it did created read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
May 13, 2020
We just gave up and we're using a different system to set repeating tasks. Really its a shame.
Contributor | Diamond Partner
February 10, 2020
Is there any chance to get this implemented?? That would be very helpful for us too.
JDobbin on January 31, 2020
Hey everyone, so, we are haveing a lot of issues on the permissions across all the Sales Hub, but one that really can hurt us is on the deal level: Right now those are the only options, but ideally we should be able to set specific field read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
January 28, 2020
Do we have updates on this? It would be very helpful for us too
Contributor | Diamond Partner
December 19, 2019
For us this a must-have too. Since we are expanding into different markets. Please make it happen! I would love to have that!
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