
Miembro desde ‎abr 8, 2019
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Dimitris Missiris

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Octubre 23, 2023
Wow! Is it really a Pro+ feature to be able to book a meeting for another user? We should perhaps use Microsoft 365 instead? Is it actually been fiv...Leer más
missiris en May 19, 2023
When you are in a Contact, Company, Deal or Ticket Activity view, you might have a long history of different activities. E-mails is one of them. In an e-mail activity windows you have several selections on the top-right corner of the e-m Leer más
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missiris en Julio 08, 2022
Searching for a Deal seems pretty tricky. What is the meaning for searching for the "name" of the Deal, since that name might coincide in many Deals. In the search field for the Deals, I should be able to enter the Domain/Company name and filte Leer más
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missiris en Diciembre 10, 2021
Please, provide Totals and Percentage in Columns chart like you do in PIE charts: Really helpful and better looking ! Thank you !
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Noviembre 17, 2021
Congrats !
Noviembre 17, 2021
Hello Community I think even before the rollout of any new features, the easiest part to be included in the ready made templates is to use the U...Leer más
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