
Participant | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎Apr 5, 2019
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Jenni Uusikartano

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CateDuarte on February 22, 2022
Hi, We are working with a customer using Business Units. Apparently its not possible to have subscription preferences page per BU. This makes no sense as we can add different subscriptions type and some BU might not even be related. read more
11 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
August 24, 2022
We definitely need this feature - to be able to customize the look and feel of the subscription preferences page for each BU.
jenni_vere on March 08, 2022
When a person fills out a form on a normal page in order to register and get access to private content, he/she will be sent out a registration email asking him/her to create a password. But what happens if a person doesn't click this email and c read more
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ttopfer on October 09, 2018
Since Hubspot has this Community Forum, wouldn't it be cool if we could offer this same functionality to our clients? We want to be able to allow our customers to provide ideas and feedback and vote on these and receive comms from us about them - ju read more
Participant | Platinum Partner
December 21, 2021
Yes, this would be a feature that I would use for our own company but for a couple of clients as well. Pls HubSpot, provide us at least a native more
jenni_vere on November 18, 2021
Hello you all! I use Cookiebot on HubSpot CMS hub website. Cookiebot is integrated with the app. My question is that should I have GTM and GA integrations done with HubSpot's own Tracking integrations OR should I add GTM script to the S read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
November 22, 2021
Hi Mia! Thanks for linking this discussion. However, it is mainly about Onetrust so I didn't get my exact answer about Cookiebot usage yet. So more
jenni_vere on November 18, 2021
Hello you all! I use Cookiebot on HubSpot CMS hub website. Cookiebot is integrated with the app. My question is that should I have GTM and GA integrations done with HubSpot's own Tracking integrations OR should I add GTM script to the S read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
November 22, 2021
Hi Mia! Thanks for linking this discussion. However, it is mainly about Onetrust so I didn't get my exact answer about Cookiebot usage yet. So more
RafiPN on August 24, 2017
Often times we enter fake data into our own form to test workflows or we get spammed with fake accounts. I'd like the ability to delete form submissions so they don't impact the metrics.
410 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
April 05, 2019
This would be a great feature!
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