
Miembro desde ‎abr 4, 2019
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Hanne Deceuninck

Hi, I'm Hanne, Marketing Manager at TokyWoky. Our Sales & Marketing team use Hubspot CRM, Marketing Pro + CMS. Looking for tips & answers to our questions here :)


Junio 13, 2019
Thought this was the case, even if I was hoping for a different reply. Thanks!
Hanne en Junio 13, 2019
Hello, Currently working on manual lead scoring in Hubspot. Is there a panel in the contact preview or lead score history that shows what pushed a contact's lead score up/down? Now, all I can do is look at the score, the info I have (wh Leer más
19 Me gusta
7 Respuestas
Abril 04, 2019
Am currently implementing Hubspot accross the organization and this is definitely a key feature that I'd like to see. It's creating friction between ...Leer más
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