
Member | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Apr 3, 2019
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jehiguese on August 27, 2018
HubSpot auto creates a contact for anyone that emails in - or is cc'd into a reply in conversations. For some customers who manage through support, this will mean a large number of contacts can enter the database. The only way to prevent this at the read more
348 Replies
Member | Diamond Partner
October 17, 2021
adamperri5 on August 21, 2019
Having a notification email, or any type of notification appear when a client pays in the Quotes area will be a huge benefit to our system. The only way to see the quotes you've created is by downloading a PDF / Excel sheet. If there was also a way read more
24 Replies
Member | Diamond Partner
January 11, 2021
This is a much needed feature. You shouldn't need to be on enterprise in order to get a notification about a quote payment. Maybe it can be released more
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