
Member | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎Apr 3, 2019
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XavierHoBr on February 22, 2019
Is it possible to allow European format for date picker ? The problem is that when we can pick a date in a form on a landing page, we could only select the US format. Even if the right time and time zone are set. This detail create some difficul read more
33 Replies
Member | Platinum Partner
August 17, 2020
Thanks for contacting HubSpot Customer Support! Happy to help you out today. I definitely understand how having this feature would be beneficial to more
XavierHoBr on February 22, 2019
Is it possible to allow European format for date picker ? The problem is that when we can pick a date in a form on a landing page, we could only select the US format. Even if the right time and time zone are set. This detail create some difficul read more
33 Replies
Member | Platinum Partner
August 17, 2020
Thanks for contacting HubSpot Customer Support! Happy to help you out today. I definitely understand how having this feature would be beneficial to more
PVerstraeten on February 16, 2017
Can you achieve the automated export and distribution of specific contact lists to specific internal company contacts?
12 Replies
Member | Platinum Partner
August 14, 2019
This feature is absolutely necessary! I'm surprised it's not already available to be honest.
XavierHoBr on February 22, 2019
Is it possible to allow European format for date picker ? The problem is that when we can pick a date in a form on a landing page, we could only select the US format. Even if the right time and time zone are set. This detail create some difficul read more
33 Replies
Member | Platinum Partner
August 17, 2020
Thanks for contacting HubSpot Customer Support! Happy to help you out today. I definitely understand how having this feature would be beneficial to more
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