
Member since ‎Mar 29, 2019
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John Booth

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JohnBooth on March 04, 2021
It would be super helpful if I could report on how many blogs, landing pages and website pages were publish during a specific time period. Current reporting capabilities are focused on the performance of these assets and not the volume of assets cre read more
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JohnBooth on August 21, 2020
Currently the only editable field when adding HS meetings to a landing page is the meeting links available. Being able to edit the copy displayed within the HS meetings module would be very helpful. Here's what I mean...
1 Reply
slowtokyo on September 12, 2017
It would be great to be able to download call recordings from the browser (I understand that you can do it through the API now) so that we send the recordings to others outside our organization.
March 29, 2019
This is very important for our compant. Most of our content interviews are recorded and not being able to send them out for transcription is a real more
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