
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Mar 26, 2019
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Marieke Westerterp

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JJ_Anderson on October 04, 2018
Hello, I'd like to create a video lightbox popup to be triggered by an image thumbnail of the video. Does anyone have template code/instructions? Thanks in advance! FYI trying to find something free, don't want to pay $100/month for Wistia, etc.
1 upvote
5 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
August 26, 2021
Hi, Is it true that this BeginBound YouTube Vimeo Video Popup is no longer available?
rohansdeeson on March 11, 2021
It would be great if we could use tags that are configured in blogs for standard website content, so that we can have blog posts shown that are relevant to content pages automatically.
5 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
July 07, 2021
Nice to hear this new solution. Thanks @magmar ! But ofcourse it would be easier if HubSpot kan make tags available for websitecontent.
rohansdeeson on March 11, 2021
It would be great if we could use tags that are configured in blogs for standard website content, so that we can have blog posts shown that are relevant to content pages automatically.
5 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
July 07, 2021
Nice to hear this new solution. Thanks @magmar ! But ofcourse it would be easier if HubSpot kan make tags available for websitecontent.
mariekewest on May 11, 2021
Is it possible in the near future that websitepages and landingpages will also use tags? Just like the blog-pages? This would be very helpfull.
APROPLAN on April 03, 2017
Multi languages features like Landing pages & website have. I think it's essential to have a blog in multiple languages.
97 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
January 08, 2020
Hi, Can we get any estimation when this feature wil be added? Best regards, Marieke Westerterp
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