
Miembro desde ‎mar 19, 2019
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Jarman Stephens

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Febrero 26, 2020
Hi Jenny, I tried replicating the bug and it appears to have disappeared. FYI: the discrepancy was occuring on multiple deals. Did you f...Leer más
Jarman en Febrero 18, 2020
Screen shot (1): Shows the details and history of the Deal property 'Last modified date'. The current value listed as the Deal property is '30/09/2019 3:28PM' Screen shot (2): Applying filter on Deals board, 'Last modified date is before 25/07/2019 Leer más
0 Me gusta
3 Respuestas
Julio 07, 2019
Functionality to archive Deals would be fantastic. I would also suggest that you can 'restore' Deals from archive back into the active list. Simi...Leer más
May 01, 2019
This has also been a requirement at our company. During the first few months of implemenation, there was significant debate about the default fie...Leer más
Marzo 19, 2019
A reply feature would be great on Notes. Similar to the reply feature in other applications (Facebook posts etc), these replies could be collapsable ...Leer más
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