
Member since ‎Mar 13, 2019
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Justin Hollender

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tom569039875678 on September 23, 2020
Currently, a user can be a 'primary' member of only one team. The user can be added to other teams as an 'additional team member', but many team features are unavailable to these 'additional' users (see list of restrictions below). This is probl read more
November 10, 2020
Upvoting this. The current setup of Additional Team Members defeats the purpose of Teams. If a user is assigned to multiple teams, they should be more
Stellaivano on April 11, 2019
Good morning. When building chatbots, it would be great to edit the quick replies added under a message for two reasons: 1. Right now I have to delete it and add it again (and it would be added after the last one). 2. I can't move the quick re read more
43 Replies
August 27, 2020
Agreed. I have to redo so much because they don't have this capability. It seems poorly thought out.
jhollender on August 24, 2020
We want to use the meeting widget on our website, but it needs some major improvements before we can utilize it. Since we have multiple locations, we would like an option for the customer to be able to select a meeting type (in this case, they could read more
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jhollender on August 24, 2020
We have multiple locations with salespeople that have different "lead" days and overlapping schedules. We would love to be able to have more functionality added to Meetings so that we could set the following: Employee Schedule (for example, Emp read more
Chris-Higgins on October 21, 2018
Unless I'm very much mistaken, the only way for HubSpot administrators / partners to configure things like sales email signatures / meeting links / chat availability or edit profiles of other sales users is by logging in to each individual's account read more
5 Replies
June 19, 2019
Yes, this is really necessary. I also want to be able to set the user's schedule (days/times that they work).
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