
Member since ‎Mar 13, 2019
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E Murray

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azalaquett on October 09, 2020
Ok, HubSpot! You've done it for your Gmail users - and your Outlook users would greatly appreciate some love. Please create the ability when sending an email via an Outlook connected Sales inbox to CHOOSE which Deals the email gets associated to. read more
May 20, 2019
We want to have the ability to log our incoming emails to deals (and other records), directly from Outlook. Ideally, we'd like to have an " more
Ian1099 on February 13, 2019
Currently the setting for users to edit contacts is an all or nothing deal. If you want your users to be able to edit a contact's phone number they also get permission to delete it. Would be awesome if you could remove a user's ability to delet read more
May 13, 2019
We need to be able to restrict who has permission to delete deals. This needs to be separated from the permission to edit a deal, as many people may more
virginiam on November 07, 2017
I would like to create a custom report where i can see how much time my contacts spend in each stage of their Contact Lifecycle. I am looking for something much like the "time in deal stage" available for deals. I know that hubspot has the read more
March 22, 2019
I'd like to echo something from the developer forum: We would like (read: need) to be able to track time spent in ticket stage, the same way we more
CCIlumia on June 12, 2018
Hi! Could be awesome if we can configurate the proposal / quote template. Thanks
434 Replies
March 13, 2019
Agreed! We'd like to be a ble to edit the properties that are on this quote pretty extensively, so that it can accurately reflect our current more
WhoOrderedRice on May 01, 2018
We have the outlook sidekick plugin on our email accounts, which logs emails and gives you a nice sidebar for more contact details. - Which is great for our actual customer contacts. However, this plugin is currently adding absolutely everyone read more
March 13, 2019
Agreed, you should be able to change whether or not you want that information automatically associated with a deal.
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