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Antoine Charpin

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KevinFMTV on Juni 28, 2019
USE CASE: We use a custom property to identity when a contact is known to be a dead lead. However, many of these contacts have pending tasks associated which are no longer applicable once a contact is dead. PROPOSED FUNCTIONALITY: Add a feature to w Beitrag ansehen
149 Antworten
April 16, 2021
Yes!!!! It would be so useful for so many cases!!
jwiedenheft on Januar 25, 2021
My company is using HubSpot's Transactional Email (manually now, but working on API) to send transactional emails with invoice/contact information specific to each recipient. Our Customer Support team has encountered a couple situations where it wou Beitrag ansehen
März 02, 2021
This is a big need for us also, all our sales teams and services teams can't access the content our client received. And we are not able to check if ...Beitrag ansehen
Antoine_ on Februar 03, 2021
We manage multiple workflows based on company activity and we need to unenroll some of the contact/company based on their list membership updated by our sales team. But it's only available for contact-based workflow... So it is obliging us to do Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
Jems212 on April 13, 2017
Workflow seems to have internal SMS but there is no option for SMS to contacts. Thinking as a reminder of appointments it would be a great feature. I understand there are legal issues around use of SMS but be great if could figure a way t Beitrag ansehen
Juli 17, 2020
It will be very usefull to have native sms
DigitaWeb on Juli 19, 2019
When it comes to a ticket / contact request, being able to assign it to a team will allow several people to be notified so that a persion immediately available can respond quickly. This would also allow to manage different teams with specific ar Beitrag ansehen
20 Antworten
Juli 19, 2019
A very usefull idea ! Or for task, also.
hfrancke on Januar 11, 2017
When we run websites thru Google's Page Speed Insights, the tool recommends that we… Reduce server response time In our test, your server [Hubspot] responded in 0.24 seconds. Enable compression for the following resources to reduce th Beitrag ansehen
März 07, 2019
Hi, For our mobile score, we achieved 56 in google page speed We only have the possibility to optimize images.... We ne...Beitrag ansehen
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