
Member since ‎Mar 6, 2019
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Pol Fisas

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RebeccaS on September 18, 2020
Please make it possible to add the country code field on meetings, without having to create a custom property. We simply need the toggle that exists on regular forms, to turn on the country code dropdown.
1 Reply
October 05, 2021
Some news about this improvement in meetings? It is a very powerful, useful tool but it lacks the depth of the forms.
PolFisas on February 12, 2021
As a HubSpot user I want to be able to measure the conversion rate and other metrics calculated between two or three properties with time dimensions and other properties in order to make decisions based on metrics and not have to download a csv or e read more
0 Reply
Mitch on November 09, 2017
We have three versions of our website, English, German, and French. Today we can only display the alert in one language. That puts our clients off. Can that we adjusted, please?
January 04, 2021
It's a must
MartinTrenkle on June 24, 2018
Currently we use Hubspot Meetings as a CTA on our homepage. Unfortunately it is not possible to setup the event as a goal in Google Analytics. I would like to send an event to Google Analytics as soon as someone schedules a meeting. This means w read more
31 Replies
March 31, 2020
Thank you! Another option is to create a landing page with Hubspot, enter the meeting module and insert the JS code from GTM (Google Tag Manager)
MartinTrenkle on June 24, 2018
Currently we use Hubspot Meetings as a CTA on our homepage. Unfortunately it is not possible to setup the event as a goal in Google Analytics. I would like to send an event to Google Analytics as soon as someone schedules a meeting. This means w read more
31 Replies
March 31, 2020
Thank you! Another option is to create a landing page with Hubspot, enter the meeting module and insert the JS code from GTM (Google Tag Manager)
MartinTrenkle on June 24, 2018
Currently we use Hubspot Meetings as a CTA on our homepage. Unfortunately it is not possible to setup the event as a goal in Google Analytics. I would like to send an event to Google Analytics as soon as someone schedules a meeting. This means w read more
31 Replies
March 31, 2020
Thank you! Another option is to create a landing page with Hubspot, enter the meeting module and insert the JS code from GTM (Google Tag Manager)
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