
Mitglied seit ‎Mai 12, 2017
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mfinocchiaro on März 03, 2017
We have software data sheets in the File Manager that we link to on our site for customer download. We need to have the ability to track how many times these pdfs are downloaded for viewing, as well as being able to see what web pages these linked d Beitrag ansehen
161 Antworten
Dezember 17, 2018
This function has my vote.
Kimberly on Februar 14, 2017
We want to be able to get an email notification when a deal moves from a particular deal stage to any other stage. So for example in our pipeline, we would like to receive an email notification when the deal moves from a "new request" to a "prospect Beitrag ansehen
24 Antworten
August 24, 2017
@Anna-T the workflow above I'm pretty sure can be applied to other types of notifications, rather than just deal changes. Depends on the propertie...Beitrag ansehen
Kimberly on Februar 14, 2017
We want to be able to get an email notification when a deal moves from a particular deal stage to any other stage. So for example in our pipeline, we would like to receive an email notification when the deal moves from a "new request" to a "prospect Beitrag ansehen
24 Antworten
August 24, 2017
@Anna-T the workflow above I'm pretty sure can be applied to other types of notifications, rather than just deal changes. Depends on the propertie...Beitrag ansehen
samisund on Mai 10, 2017
Hi! I faced interesting problem this week: I would like to have email notification everytime when the deal stage is changed to "Closed Won" or "Closed Lost". The problem is that email should contain the name of the deal, associated company, contact Beitrag ansehen
9 Antworten
Mai 18, 2017
Hi Samisud I have actually managed to setup something that works as such. See my last post here . It is a work around because it recognises ...Beitrag ansehen
Kimberly on Februar 14, 2017
We want to be able to get an email notification when a deal moves from a particular deal stage to any other stage. So for example in our pipeline, we would like to receive an email notification when the deal moves from a "new request" to a "prospect Beitrag ansehen
24 Antworten
August 24, 2017
@Anna-T the workflow above I'm pretty sure can be applied to other types of notifications, rather than just deal changes. Depends on the propertie...Beitrag ansehen
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