
Member since ‎Feb 28, 2019
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Tristan Chauchat

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TristanC on November 10, 2020
Hi, I am trying to understand how newly created contacts are associated to deals. From what we see, it seems to be random. Sometimes contacts are automatically associated to their company's deal, sometimes they don't.. In my case, I don't wan read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
November 12, 2020
Hi Josh, Thanks for your reply. It seems indeed that the association were coming from API calls from our side. Best, Tristan
TristanC on November 10, 2020
Hi, I am trying to understand how newly created contacts are associated to deals. From what we see, it seems to be random. Sometimes contacts are automatically associated to their company's deal, sometimes they don't.. In my case, I don't wan read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
November 12, 2020
Hi Josh, Thanks for your reply. It seems indeed that the association were coming from API calls from our side. Best, Tristan
TristanC on February 27, 2020
Hi, As Hubspot is doing with its CS, we would like to send an email to our customer who haven't replied to us and haven't closed their ticket. For example, if our CS team answered a customer today and the customer doesn't give news in the ne read more
1 upvote
1 Reply
filippomorgan on August 10, 2018
Hi, as I understood there is the possibility to apply Right To be Forgotten (RTBF) or "GDPR delete" through the GUI but not through API calls. The API serves only the normal account deletion. Do you have a plan to enable that featur read more
21 Replies
February 21, 2020
Same here
TristanC on February 21, 2020
Hi, I would like to be able to delete a contact 'GDPR-style' with an API call. But it seems that the delete contact endpoint is only a classic delete. Is there a way to choose how to delete a contact ? Thanks,
0 upvote
2 Replies
Shay on April 10, 2017
Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 169 votes. I'd like to have more than 1 level in the dependent fields in forms.
233 Replies
November 05, 2019
I would be very interested by this feature too.
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