
Member since ‎Feb 26, 2019
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Jen Decker

Jen Decker specializes in digital marketing and developing, implementing and executing strategic marketing plans for SiteSpect. Jen has previous experience in B2C & B2B markets capitalizing her skills in graphic design and Wordpress website design, as well as, email marketing, social media marketing, copywriting, SEO, & digital advertising.


JenD on January 09, 2023
Under Sales/Deals/All views, we can select Object type and Owner. Where is the ability to select views shared with a team? I can save a view and make it private, share with everyone or share with my team. Where is the team dropdown?
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December 06, 2022
We have competitors who post more often on their Linkedin pages vs. Facebook or Twitter. Please add the ability to monitor competitors' Linkedin more
November 16, 2022
Agree! It's a blessing and a curse that HS forms allow submissions to append to their contact record. Great when they're adding data that's relevant more
November 16, 2022
Agree! It's a blessing and a curse that HS forms allow submissions to append to their contact record. Great when they're adding data that's relevant more
July 29, 2022
The use case for this feature is to be able to share with individuals outside our organization (non-HubSpot Users). We are partnering with an more
JenD on July 22, 2022
I've been with my current company for about 9 months. And historically, when there is a company announcement/news, they will create a news article and blog post. The copy is almost 100% verbatim and both pieces of content will exist on our website ( read more
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