
Member since ‎Feb 26, 2019
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Clémence Retière

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JeremyPSE on July 24, 2018
I just installed Conversations on our site and am very excited about the prospect of capturing and cookie'ing new leads this way. We had previously used Intercom which is a great service but having the website-chat live inside Hubspot is awesome. read more
23 Replies
March 25, 2022
This is a very important feature that would be quite useful for us as well. We manage 2 website in multiple languages using hubspot so it's more
DCardon on March 10, 2022
When we use the Marketing email for massive sending we currently don't have the ability to add attachements. Could be a great idea to provide our contacts some e-flyers, resume, job description, ...
1 upvote
2 Replies
March 11, 2022
You can already do that using CTAs 🙂
marketautguy on September 19, 2017
Smart CTA's can be added to any external website (for example Wordpress), by injecting the JavaScript embed code HubSpot can create for CTA's. Similarly, it should be possibly to add smart content to websites hosted outside of HubSpot (in partic read more
50 Replies
March 10, 2022
As well as adding smart content, I wish we could also insert variables and personalization tokens directly in Wordpress . For instance, it would more
VPclemence on March 10, 2022
Hello, We send feedback / testimonial forms to our clients and display their answers in a newsletter. However, some do like to talk a lot, and it would be very handy for us to limit the lenght of their answers directly in the form fields. At th read more
0 Reply
VPclemence on March 10, 2022
Hello, As I'm sure a lot of companies do, we have our website hosted on Wordpress and use the Hubspot plugin to insert things like forms and CTAs. However, one feature that I feel is greatly missing in the plugin would be to be able to inse read more
7 Replies
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