
Participant | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎May 10, 2017
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Keith Moehring

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KeithMoehring on November 25, 2018
Is there a way to remove offline contacts from the Total values of the Analytics API requests? I can exclude it as a breakdown source using the e=offline parameter, but the returned Totals still includes the offline contacts. Thanks for any suppor read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
November 27, 2018
Thanks for the suggestion @Isaac_Takushi
KeithMoehring on November 25, 2018
Is there a way to remove offline contacts from the Total values of the Analytics API requests? I can exclude it as a breakdown source using the e=offline parameter, but the returned Totals still includes the offline contacts. Thanks for any suppor read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
November 27, 2018
Thanks for the suggestion @Isaac_Takushi
APROPLAN on April 03, 2017
Multi languages features like Landing pages & website have. I think it's essential to have a blog in multiple languages.
97 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
February 20, 2018
Translation of blog content is very important to my client's site as we will be expanding the number of languages over the coming months. I have two more
torysher on October 25, 2017
Request: We request that an API be made public for the HubSpot Marketing metrics “Became a [lifecycle stage]” (Became a Lead, Became a Marketing Qualified Lead, Became a Sales Qualified Lead, Became a Subscriber, etc.). This is necessary for ag read more
Participant | Platinum Partner
January 16, 2018
Yes please!!! It's impossible for us to accurately report on funnel performance to clients. How many contacts were at a specific lifecycle stage more
Yoshi on February 07, 2017
It would be nice if we can have a control for display the privacy policy banner only on specific version of our website pages. The reason being is we are currently based in Japan and also have branches in Europe as well. Theferore, it would be read more
Participant | Platinum Partner
July 19, 2017
This is something we are also very interested in. Our new site will be the primary marketing tool for all efforts worldwide, and we'd like to more
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