
Member since ‎Feb 15, 2019
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Elizabeth Andrews

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elizabeth10 on March 17, 2022
Is there a way to filter and remove outdated or expired contacts from Hubspot without losing all of the conversations and data that went along with them? Can I flag certain contacts as dormant so they don't count towards our billable contacts? Any i read more
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3 Replies
mmaddux on September 14, 2018
We are automatically creating tickets based on contact data associated with a deal. Ideally, we would be able to associate the deal with the ticket we created via a workflow through this automation.
20 Replies
February 05, 2020
Yes please! If you could have the tickets from the contact and company flow automatically into the deal if they are associated, that would be more
leebetts on October 31, 2018
I would like the ability to start a sequence from a reply in gmail. Here is just one use case: 1. We start a prospect on a sequence, which encourages them to book a demo with us. 2. The prospect replies to one of the emails in the read more
February 15, 2019
Agreed! I would love the ability to add a client into a sequence in a replied email. Just throwing in my vote! Please implement. 🙂 Thanks!
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