
Miembro desde ‎feb 13, 2019
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Bri Krantz

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csbri en Enero 15, 2021
Our sales team often wants to know about emails in a campaign that were opened more than once but not clicked in. I can see opens in the email analytics, but I can't create a list or workflow based on emails opened by times the action was done. This Leer más
1 Me gusta
1 Respuestas
csbri en Diciembre 18, 2020
It would be great to be able to clone a static list. Sometimes we have a list created that, say, documents all customers we use for one campaign. Then we want to reuse that list for another campaign but need to exclude some folks for some reason, wi Leer más
15 Me gusta
8 Respuestas
Septiembre 25, 2019
I like this idea, as well. I would have another use case off if X property and Y property do not have the same contents, notify me.
Junio 07, 2019
@SamanthaA and @kishan_kanani same here; I don't have that as an option unless it's a task note. Which, for me, isn't helpful since we keep gener...Leer más
May 22, 2019
My issue was solved internally; we had someone accidentally deleting them.
May 01, 2019
I guess that makes sense with what I'm seeing; it just seems odd to have such a different setup for a typical navigational page--makes it less user f...Leer más
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