
Miembro desde ‎dic 1, 2024
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Diciembre 11, 2024
Show the customer Why we do what we do, How we do it and What we do it. I reckon the combo is everything together, no deal works like if it was an is...Leer más
Diciembre 10, 2024
Hello everyone! I think you should as much human as you can, and personalize the cotent of the email in a way that not just shows our solutions, but...Leer más
Diciembre 10, 2024
Hello everyone! In my opinion an marketing email should follow the "golden circle" of Simon Seek. First "why", then "how" and finally"what", always...Leer más
Diciembre 01, 2024
Sorry, there are some spelling mistake: - Fase de Consciencialização should be Fase de Conscientização - And in the last stage is Etapa de Decisão...Leer más
Diciembre 01, 2024
Hello everyone! Based on my last exercise which was creating a persona, I'm going work with her pretending I'm a IT e-learning certification platfor...Leer más
Diciembre 01, 2024
Nome: Manuela Albina (42 anos desempregada) Demografia: Lisboa (zona dos subúrbios) Motivações: Melhorar a qualidade de vida por isso não se import...Leer más
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