
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Feb 9, 2019
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Mark Hansen

Founder of HubSpot Gold Partner Rare Karma. HubSpot development enthusiast. Full stack developer with 20+ years experience.


dsecareanu on January 21, 2021
Currently, as per the marketing contact status field description: This unique identifier will be used when syncing with integration partners. Once created it can't be edited. This means that the marketing contact status (marketing or non-m read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
January 17, 2024
louischausse on July 04, 2023
Similar to what is already existing for Deals: This would allow us to select the costum object properties we want to be used.
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Contributor | Diamond Partner
November 02, 2023
khookguy on February 07, 2023
Is it possible to create (or copy over) business units in a Sandbox? It doesn't seem like it, but wanted to check here and get a definitive answer.
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khookguy on January 17, 2023
I've created a custom report joining Contacts with Website Pages, and it shows many Contacts having Pagviews that are not associated with any Page (no URL or Page Title). How can this happen? Shouldn't a Pageview always have an associated Page? read more
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2 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
January 17, 2023
Hmmm, but the report I'm looking at joins Contacts to Website activities an Website pages. So it is not dependent on properties in the Contact more
khookguy on January 17, 2023
I've created a custom report joining Contacts with Website Pages, and it shows many Contacts having Pagviews that are not associated with any Page (no URL or Page Title). How can this happen? Shouldn't a Pageview always have an associated Page? read more
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2 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
January 17, 2023
Hmmm, but the report I'm looking at joins Contacts to Website activities an Website pages. So it is not dependent on properties in the Contact more
khookguy on January 16, 2023
I want to create a reporting showing the web pages visited by the contacts who opened an email. I have a list of the email openers. How can I filter the report by this list? Or is there any other way to report on the pages visited by the con read more
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