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Ellen van Zutphen


TiphaineCuisset on Julho 12, 2022
Hi Community, I’m happy to announce our Champion of the Month for June 2022 is… @Indra Indra has been in the Community since 2018 sharing his knowledge in the forums, mostly in the CMS Development board. Leia mais
12 avaliações positivas
14 Respostas
Membro | Parceiro Elite
Julho 13, 2022
Congrats @Indra !
BW on Julho 20, 2017
As a HubSpot Partner agency that works with higher education clients we run into reporting issues when 1 enterprise portals contains multiple domains and sub-domains that pertain to 1 school with multiple programs within that school. Because rep Leia mais
58 avaliações positivas
17 Respostas
Membro | Parceiro Elite
Fevereiro 11, 2022
Especially for portals that use brand domains / business units a necessary option.
Karena on Julho 18, 2017
Currently there's no way to generate a direct link for a contact to access their subscription preferences page. The only way we can direct a contact to resubscribe is 1) ask them to find an old email we sent them before they unsubscribed, 2) tell th Leia mais
390 avaliações positivas
100 Respostas
Membro | Parceiro Elite
Março 13, 2020
Agree on this point. We need to be able to use the link on our pages (for example after filling in a form) to give our contacts access to their subs...Leia mais
EllenvanZutphen on Março 13, 2020
Ability to get a re-subscribe link in a form when you have unsubscribed yourself for one subscription type. Case: A person has unsubscribed from the subscription type Marketing Email-Info. A year later, he again fills out a form linked to the s Leia mais
10 avaliações positivas
0 Respostas
EllenvanZutphen on Fevereiro 12, 2020
Option to upload in bulk the options for a radio select property where the label and internal value are not the same. For example Nederland - Netherlands België - Belgium
17 avaliações positivas
0 Respostas
EllenvanZutphen on Agosto 31, 2019
We would love to have the option of applying progressive fields in the pop-up forms.
31 avaliações positivas
6 Respostas
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